In 1946, the largest baby boom in American history occurred, marketers started planning there sales before the babies even arrived and by the 1960's marketers had created children and adolescent products, such as shopping carts for kids when they found out that parents bought what there kids told them to. The baby boom made schools reform to prepare for a large number of students and created more electives. More children enrolled into college and now statistics proved that drop-outs made less money in a life time then high-school graduates. Students became internal dropouts where they physically went to school but really didn't care about anything. In the 1960s, there was a huge issue were the integration of black teenagers into high school became an issue, although young people stood up and created groups to help accept the black students, both black and white teens did this. Statistics showed how parents counted for how there teenagers acted. The Beatles came after the Kennedy's assassination and the best band ever :) helped change the sexual character of
America, along with playboy that made cars and Martinis "cool." Around the same time the birth control pill came out in the market came out and obliterated sexual responsibility for males. The Vietnam War made young men make long hair much more than a hair style. It symbolized defiance to the war and equality, denouncing machismo by making them similar looking to women. There was a student movement that called a stop of oppression by adults. Clicks started emerging as schools became more relaxed and gave students free time. During the 1960's the consumption of illegal drugs dramatically increased as a result of adults working longer hours. The result of no one caring for teens as in there teachers and administrators, it created a peer group culture that consisted of selling Marijuana, smoking cigarettes, and illegal gang activities. The late baby boomers were completely ignored politically and had less of a bright guarantee with there school cuts. Heavy-metal music came in the 70's and added on to something adults could never understand and therefore called it meaningless. Goth teenager appeared as an epidemic and they would go got
Disneyland and people would find ways to make sure they couldn’t come in and arrest them for the tiniest faults. There appearance was a disturbance. Teen has an always been a bias term to a middleclass person. Marketers surveyed teens around the U.S to find how to sell them and they found that teens felt like they were alienated by society and pessimistic. Family life has been disrupted, teens who don't eat with there families are more likely not to get pregnant, abuse drugs, and participate in crime. Hine notes that telling teens what not to do and restricting them makes them do it more, like the restriction of cigarettes in MA. The idea of probation officers in
Massachusetts negotiation with juvenile delinquents has succeeded because it is more personal. For black and Hispanic teens as much as 50% have grown up in poverty making there leading cause of death homicide. Overall one in 4 teens in the U.S reports being abused in the last year. Title IX, was an act that forced in 1972 public schools to treat both guys and girls the same even if one party got pregnant. Now girls handle both school and babies, there is a lot more funding for women sports. Title IX, also was an indirect result of Bulimia and Anorexia cause by Magazines and for men also. Teens working has become controversial because it can go both ways, one acquiring punctual responsibilities and the other teens take work more seriously than school. Teens who work are more likely to be prone to dropping out, doing drugs, and participating in sexual activity. Schooling has become a way to store young people for a longer period like 30 years ago when people were put into high school to make space for family fathers. Motherhood has teen has given young girls a definite future and a path in life. Identity has been the larges issue with teenagers and finding a way to fit in society. Teens even have to pass through metal detectors everyday, they are even at a higher risk of using drugs, sex, and crime. Parents often working long hours to pay a house were youth are alienated. Hines argues that teens should be treated as adults who are inexperience but not as different creatures, they should just be given more attention. When the term "teenager," that refers to a mystical adultish creature, young people will become actual individuals instead of one type of group, and strong members of there communities. Hines encourages reader to help tens not to rerun history.
"The society implied by the dance is not harmonious made up of couples. Rather, it is violent and composed of isolated individuals who are, nevertheless, both seeking and repulsing contact with others. If this sounds like a vision of American society as a whole, that's not surprising. “(Hine 280).
The quotation is referring to the dance "American Bandstand." Hine uses the best comparison ever; this is the type of great written that he is, he makes connections between what he is writing about and society. Here he makes a connection between a dance that teens did that adults thought was meaningless and absurd and he makes the statement that it is much like the society that those adults run. He makes the argument that teenagers reflect society as a whole, and how it is really run, sense teenagers really do follow there parents. This connects to the stories larger message of helping out teenagers and really paying attention to them because they have a lot to offer.
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